WhatsApp's new colorless design is rolling out in beta

WhatsApp’s Colorless Design Enters Beta Testing

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WhatsApp’s new colorless design is rolling out in beta – WhatsApp’s latest beta version introduces a significant design change, eliminating color from its interface. This bold move has sparked curiosity and raised questions about its impact on user experience and the future of WhatsApp’s branding.

The colorless design aims to enhance readability and reduce visual clutter, potentially improving the overall usability of the app. However, it also raises concerns about accessibility and the potential loss of visual appeal.

Design Changes: WhatsApp’s New Colorless Design Is Rolling Out In Beta

WhatsApp is rolling out a new colorless design in its beta version, marking a significant departure from its previous green-centric aesthetic. This redesign aims to enhance user experience by incorporating a cleaner and more modern look.

The new design eliminates the use of green accents throughout the interface, replacing them with neutral tones of gray and white. This minimalist approach creates a more streamlined and cohesive visual experience, reducing distractions and improving readability.

Color Palette

  • Elimination of green accents in the interface.
  • Incorporation of neutral tones of gray and white.
  • Result: A cleaner, more modern look.


  • Increased font size for improved readability.
  • Use of a sans-serif font for a more contemporary feel.
  • Result: Enhanced visual clarity and ease of reading.


  • Simplified and modernized icons.
  • Consistent use of line-based icons.
  • Result: A more intuitive and visually appealing interface.

User Feedback

Initial reactions from beta testers regarding WhatsApp’s new colorless design have been mixed, with both positive and negative feedback.

Some users have praised the new design for its simplicity and minimalism, while others have expressed concerns about its lack of color and visual appeal.

Positive Feedback

  • Improved readability: The new design features high-contrast text and a clean background, making it easier to read messages, especially in low-light conditions.
  • Reduced visual clutter: The removal of color and unnecessary elements has created a more streamlined and organized interface, reducing visual clutter and improving overall usability.
  • Modern and sophisticated: The colorless design gives WhatsApp a modern and sophisticated look, appealing to users who prefer a more professional and understated aesthetic.

Negative Feedback

  • Lack of visual appeal: Some users have found the new design to be too bland and unappealing, missing the visual cues and color accents that made the previous design more engaging.
  • Difficulty distinguishing elements: The lack of color can make it difficult to distinguish between different elements in the interface, such as buttons, icons, and messages.
  • Inconsistent with other apps: The colorless design is a departure from the colorful interfaces of other popular messaging apps, which may be confusing or disorienting for some users.

Impact on Usability

WhatsApp’s colorless design update has sparked discussions regarding its impact on overall usability. This section delves into the potential implications, highlighting areas for improvement in navigation, readability, and accessibility.

The simplified interface may enhance navigation for some users, reducing visual clutter and simplifying the layout. However, it is crucial to consider the potential impact on discoverability, ensuring essential features remain easily accessible.

Readability, WhatsApp’s new colorless design is rolling out in beta

The lack of color may affect readability for certain users, particularly those with visual impairments or low-light conditions. WhatsApp should consider implementing high-contrast text or customizable color options to accommodate diverse user needs.


Accessibility should be a priority in any design update. WhatsApp must ensure that the colorless design does not hinder accessibility for users with disabilities. This includes providing alternative text descriptions for images and ensuring the interface is compatible with assistive technologies.

Comparison to Competitors

WhatsApp’s colorless design is not an isolated change in the messaging app landscape. Several competing apps have implemented similar design changes in recent years.

One notable example is Telegram, which introduced a night mode feature in 2017. This feature allowed users to switch to a dark theme that reduced eye strain and improved readability in low-light conditions. Telegram’s night mode was well-received by users and has since become a standard feature in many other messaging apps.


Another competitor, Signal, also offers a dark mode feature. However, Signal’s dark mode is more comprehensive than Telegram’s, as it extends to all aspects of the app’s interface, including the chat list, message bubbles, and settings menu. This provides a more immersive and consistent user experience.


Discord, a popular messaging app for gamers, has taken a different approach to color in its design. Discord’s interface is highly customizable, allowing users to choose from a wide range of themes and color schemes. This gives users the ability to personalize their app experience and create a more visually appealing environment.

Overall, WhatsApp’s colorless design is a welcome change that brings it in line with the latest trends in messaging app design. While other apps have implemented similar changes, WhatsApp’s approach is more subtle and understated, which may appeal to users who prefer a more minimalist look and feel.

Although WhatsApp’s new colorless design is rolling out in beta, the platform still lacks a crucial feature: the ability to edit messages once they’ve been sent. If you’ve ever sent a message with a typo or incorrect information, you may be wondering if there’s a way to fix it.

Well, there is! Check out our guide on How to edit WhatsApp messages once they are sent to learn how. Meanwhile, the colorless design is expected to bring a more streamlined and minimalist look to the app, making it easier to navigate and use.

Future Outlook

WhatsApp’s new colorless design marks a significant departure from its previous visual identity. The long-term implications of this change are yet to be fully realized, but it has the potential to shape the future of WhatsApp’s user interface and branding.

User Interface Evolution

The simplified design could make WhatsApp more accessible to users with different visual preferences or impairments. The lack of color may also reduce visual clutter, improving the overall user experience. Furthermore, the design changes could pave the way for future updates that focus on functionality and personalization, allowing users to customize their WhatsApp experience to suit their individual needs.

Branding Impact

The colorless design could also impact WhatsApp’s branding. The absence of color may make it more difficult for WhatsApp to stand out from competitors, but it could also create a more professional and sophisticated image. The new design could help WhatsApp appeal to a wider audience, including businesses and professionals who may have previously found the app’s colorful interface too casual.


WhatsApp's new colorless design is rolling out in beta

As WhatsApp’s colorless design continues to roll out in beta, it will be interesting to observe how users adapt to the new aesthetic and whether it ultimately enhances the app’s functionality and appeal.

FAQ Resource

Why did WhatsApp remove color from its design?

WhatsApp aims to improve readability and reduce visual clutter, potentially enhancing the overall usability of the app.

How does the colorless design impact accessibility?

The impact on accessibility is still being assessed, but concerns have been raised about potential difficulties for users with color blindness or low vision.

Will the colorless design become permanent?

The permanence of the colorless design will depend on user feedback and WhatsApp’s evaluation of its impact on usability and branding.

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